I am rather sore today and it feels really weird to have this tube hanging on the outside of my body and the battery pack is rather large and heavy and falls off my pants all the time. I think that companies forget that women to don’t wear the same type of pants as men and the batter cannot be clipped on them as well. Another issue is that I can’t wear anything but soft stretchy pants or it hurts real bad so that makes the size of the external battery even worse.
Here are some lovely pics of the back of my hip and the battery pack.
I have to keep a log of everything I eat and drink and when I use the bathroom and how much the urge is etc. So far since I got this yesterday there has been no change. I drink, I pee, that is pretty much it. If i drink 10 ounces of water I pee about 3-4 times within an hour and a lot. I hope that this eventually works because it will be a real bummer if it doesn’t. I did do some research yesterday and saw a lot of laces where it said it can take a few days to over a week for people to notice changes so am hoping that in a day or so I will see some.
Other problems is that I can’t bend over, or OUCH! I can feel the leads pull and I feel like I am bleeding everywhere where the incision is. My 4 year old is being bribed with an extra Christmas present from Santa if she does all my bending over the next couple of weeks. So far so good.
Will keep you posted on my progress!