Giving up coffee…well thinking about it!

I hope you will share!

I am having to take a break in my exercise for the next few weeks due to surgeries.  My surgery is being blogged about on my other blog this link is the first post about it.

Anyway, I am still trying to eat healthy and limit my amounts since I will be burning a lot less energy but it is hard.  Has anyone experienced excess hunger after going under anesthesia?  For some reason, since late last night (I just had the surgery yesterday) I am starving!  I want to eat everything!  I am trying not to but my stomach keeps growling at me and it makes me restless.  Glad I only have healthy food in the house or I would be in big trouble.

OK now to my point, coffee or no coffee, that is the question?  I think I need to give it up.  For one it is a diuretic and it makes me pee all the time and it is frustrating.  I am not addicted to it, I just like the taste.  I can go, and have, for days not drinking it and I don’t withdrawal so why do I drink it?  I think I need to stop drinking it, it really is not that great for you anyway.

I have about half a small carton of Folgers left and I think I will finish it and be done.  Maybe 5-6 days worth.  I don’t think I am going to buy anymore and get rid of the coffee pot and see where that takes me.  Should take me to somewhere good!

I LUV Sharing!

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3 Responses to Giving up coffee…well thinking about it!

  1. Chris says:

    I would say no on dropping coffee. Coffee has been shown to provide several health benefits and for one dropping weight, it does help with metabolism. Try a little cinnemon in it as it helps with your insulin resistance.

    I do have to say though.. Folgers? Can I suggest a high quality coffee that is roasted to order? Folgers is a robusto bean which is not that good. Find a good bean and you won't need cream or sugar in it.

  2. tawna6988 says:

    Well I did not do it. I don't do anything else bad for me…sesriously. I don't drink (maybe 1-2 a month max) and don't smoke. I eat healthy and exercise and only drink 2 cups a day so I decided I could dabble in a little plessure every morning with my coffee.

    I do not drink coffee any other time of day, it is jsut too much acid and a diuretic I don't need later in the day.

    so 2 cups it is in the morning!

  3. Beth @ Wiccan Make Some Too says:

    I sure needed my coffee after surgery. My son once said that I drink so much coffee that if I am cut I would bleed French Roast! I hook the IV up to the coffee maker in the morning & am ready to go. I was never very hungry after surgery. The drugs they give you don't set too well with me & I get sick to my stomach if I eat for like the next three days. (that is not fun after surgery to be sure) Good luck

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