Turbo workouts 12/23-12/29

I hope you will share!

Wed 23rd: Cardio party (about 40 min)
Thurs 24th: 20 min workout and 18 min burn (from learn and burn CD)
Friday 25th: Christmas, NO workout
Sat. 26th: So tired NO workout
Sun 27th: 20 min workout and 18 min burn
Mon 28th: Turbo sculpt (about 40 min)
Tues 29th: Ab jam (20 min) and 18 min burn

I don’t like to just do the short 18-20 min workouts alone. I probably would have started with just the shorter ones if I hadn’t been working out already. I feel like I need a bit more movement after only 20 min. So if I do not get it least 30 min I will do 2 workouts.

I also do get my workouts interrupted by my 4 month old and/or my 3 ½ year old. I have just been pausing it and taking care of them and then come back to where I left off. I am trying not to let this frustrate me and make me stop. The fact of the matter is, is that you don’t need to have 20-40 min straight. Scientists have figured out and 3-4 ten minute increments burns just as much and is just as good for you.

I have also noticed that I am sleeping a lot better and getting tired a bit earlier which has been a problem well before I had my kids. Exercise is definitely helping me with my insomnia and helps me stay asleep at night when my 4 month old is not waking me up. I actually want to go to bed around 10 and this is a good thing as before I was anywhere between 11-1am and then had a lot of broken sleep.

I walked the dog all days but the 2 I did not do any workout. What I am noticing is that the workouts are getting a lot easier and I am starting to be able to do the higher intensity without straining myself too much. I have also noticed that the last 3 times I have walked the dog I have gone 1 hour instead o 20-30 min. because it is also getting easier and I am getting more stamina. So yay! I will do 3 more days and take my New Years measurements on the 1st. I plan on working out every day.

I LUV Sharing!

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1 Response to Turbo workouts 12/23-12/29

  1. Mrs. Organic says:

    Getting good sleep is essential to weight loss – from 10-2 is typically when your adrenal glands do their thing (should also cut down on your stress).

    Way to go.

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