Actually it’s not really a refund, the bank put my $23 check through for $73. I called them and they said “Oh we will credit that extra $50 back to you right now but you probably won’t see it for 24 hours. “Really…what happens if I go negative because of this check int eh next 24 hours?” That is what i said. The banker told me that “we will credit you back any fees.” That sounds fair to me for the credit part but you (the bank) take out money immediately all the time so why can’t you fix your mistake immediately? Seriously…ridiculous!
My bank is actually a very good bank and they have taken care of me pretty well in the past, so that is why I am not mentioning what bank it is in this post but I am frustrated about the 24 hours today. When you live paycheck to paycheck, 24 hours can do a lot of damage!
My positive thinking says “don’t worry about it, it will work it self out.” That is what I am going to do and not worry about it form this point forward.
I have posted about refunds before. With how good our technology is, there is no real good excuse for any refund to take any time at all. It is all computer generated, it should be immediate. If they can take my money immediately, they can refund me immediately. PERIOD!
Have a wonderful day!
Tip of the day is-Always check your bank account twice a day, in the morning and at night. I always find the mistakes within minuted of them happening because I am an obsessive checker. Hay…I have had my credit card number stolen 3 times. It is a lot easier to charge you back the money the same day then wait til later!