Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsBeachbody reviews from a NON COACHWorkout DVDs

40 workouts still going on!

I hope you will share!

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Like I said before, I don’t get to post very often due to by kids getting older and summer time so here is the last few workouts I have done from my stack of workout DVDs…Love most of them, not all of them so here is the breakdown.

Zumba Fitness Activate: Love this! I have another Zumba DVD that is way older then this series and I did not like it at all. This Zumba workout I loved a lot. Zumba is fun, especially for those of us that like to dance. I know it works because the next day it hurt my abs to sneeze or cough…that is a good hurt…lol

Love the above workout so much that I decided to do another Zumba from this same series the next day so I did Exhilarate: Loved this one too!

Took a break on Zumbas and decided to pull out the Turbo Jam Cardio party and Ab Jam on the same day. God lord after Zumba for 2-days then adding the Turbo Jam my stomach was sooooorrrrreeee! Then it was vacation time. We headed to the West for a nearly 5,000 mile road trip and then the 4-week sickness started.  I had a handful of good days and did a couple workouts (listed below) but for thee most part I was out!

Those workouts for the few days I could workout were:

Zumba Fitness Ripped: Ditto from Zumba above. Only thing is that it wore me out because I was not 100% healthy when I did it.

Turbo Fire Upper 20 and Lower 20 (over 3-days): Was good because it wasn’t as much bouncy cardio but I think this put me over the edge with my sickness so these were the last 2-days of workouts til this week when I got better.

This week I have felt better and it is Thursday. I have managed 2 more workouts this week and have gone to the YMCA twice and did 3-miles each day on the treadmill. This weeks workouts were:

P90X Shoulders and arms: ouch!!! I have not done any weight resistance on my shoulder, since my injury and I have to admit that this hurt! I guess my shoulder is not 100% better yet. Thank goodness for my heating pad!!!!

Last workout this week was Jillian Michael’s No More trouble zones: She kicks my butt but this did not hurt like the P90X did, but still hurt me a bit.

Today I am not doing another workout DVD as the hubs said he would go workout with me later today…I guess if he backs out (which he does a lot) then I will take the dog for a little jog when the rain passes. We will see!

Have a wonderful day!

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