Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsBeachbody reviews from a NON COACHP90X JourneyPhysical Healthy Journey postsWorkout DVDs

Adding in the rest of P90X

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P90X: Tony Horton's 90-Day Extreme Home Fitness Workout DVD ProgramWhen I first rounded up all my workout DVDs for my 40-workout journey, I initially took out all the ones that caused me to use my shoulder and back. So basically all the P90X but the Ab Ripper. Since I have had major relief of my neck and shoulder pain. (you can read my post about my pain relief here). I have decided to add the rest of P90X back into the pile, making my workouts even more. I really have no idea anymore how many workouts I have in this pile, so for the sake of consistency I will still call it the 40-workout regimen.

If my pain comes back, as I am adding in the shoulder, neck and pack strain too soon then I will take them out. No problem. If I don’t get the pain back then I have just added a great workout and even more caloires to burn AND more muscle top gain.

If you have never tried P90X I have done it all and loved it and tracked my results exetensilely and you can read about it here.

It’s not just a mans workout and I am happy to be adding into my workouts again!

I will keep you posted!



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