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Almost forgot my goal, but practice makes perfect.

I hope you will share!

Wow, I had one trying day a couple days ago; let me share it with you.

The morning started out with my son deciding he was not going to sleep past 6:30am. Mind you I had only had a few hours of sleep because my daughter was up crying at 3am because she had to go to the bathroom. She used to get up with no problem and go back to bed but she decided to cry and wake me up and then cry for 20 minutes after she went to the bathroom. It then took me another 30 minutes to fall back asleep and then I was up at 6:30am with a cranky, crying son. He did not go back to sleep that morning.

About 3 hours later he decided that he was going to move Mommy’s jewelry box away from the wall. I keep it face backwards so the drawers are against the wall so he cannot open it and take everything out. It took about 3 seconds for him to push it around and as I turned to see what he was doing, and tried to get over to him fast enough I watched it fall over onto the floor face down. I just could not get there fast enough to stop it and it seemed to be happening in slow motion. Here is the jewelry box now.

See…this is the only new piece of furniture I own, short of our bed, so this was a hard one for me to stomach. I was so upset I yelled, very loudly, and then cried for a few minutes afterwards. I think I scared my son more the falling jewelry box did and then I think I was more crying because I yelled at him, not over the stupid jewelry box.

I collected myself and we rushed out the door as we had been in an ice storm for 3 days and I had time sensitive material that HAD to get in the mail. I could not just plop a stamp on it and send it from home as it was a larger than normal envelope and I had no idea what to put on it.

My care had not been driven in 3 days due to the ice storm and after letting it heat up for 60 minutes and still having to hack ice off of it after that 60 minutes, we all got into the car. I had salted the driveway about 4 times during the storm but it did not help.

I attempted to pull out of my driveway, I say attempt because I slid and came within a 1/2 inch of hitting my car on the fire hydrant that is so smartly place on the corner of the driveway.

Our driveway is shorter on the road and opens up in front of the fire hydrant. It is really stupid. I park on the right hand side but the ice was not caring which side I was parking on it wanted to steer me to the left. But…I missed it, by 1/2 inch, but it was a miss.

I then made it to the post office and had to very tired hungry kids. I thought “we will just go in real quick and get something to eat after.” WRONG! I waited in line 35 minutes. Kids were crying and running around. I had my 1 year old in a stroller and he screamed while my 4 1/2 year old ran everywhere. There was one postal worker and the line went to the front door. I thought about getting out of line once or twice but would have just had to come back and at that point there were 6 people behind me.

We finally got out of there, got something to eat and went home.

I sat on the sofa after my morning and afternoon and just thought to myself “why am I getting so upset?” “I did not hit the car, we made it safe and a jewelry box is material.” It was at that point I got up and gave both my kids the biggest hug and kisses, turned the TV off and turned the radio on. We dance, laughed and had a great time for the rest of the afternoon.

Things happen and we cannot control everything but we CAN control how we handle things! Before my journey I was not aware of this and I would have let all these things ruin my whole day. I know I am on the right track because I only let it ruin half my day and half is better than ALL!

Have a good week!

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I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (5)

  • Glad to hear everything turned out okay :) I'll be curious to watch you on this journey. I've never watched The Secret. Good luck :)

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  • Mel:
    Thanks! I tried to stop by your blog and it keeps giving me an error and forces y our page closed :(

  • i love "we can control how we handle things"! You said it girl! great inspiration!

  • Hi Tawna,
    I see you are following my several blogs. Great that you discovered the Secret and though its a good start you need to keep reading on the subject. You may be surprised to know that it was after reading the Secret I realised that I was not getting the full picture and I researched the LOA for about a year and more and realised that I began to understand the subject after having read 5 different authors. That's when I was inspired to write on it myself. If you decide to read my book I'd appreciate a feedback.
    May you reach the success you are seeking.....for it is only when you seek that you find. Your friend Roda
    PS feel free to ask me any doubts on the subject.

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