WTFriday…butt enhancers at the gym?!!!

Today I went to the gym and was quite distracted while on the elliptical. Just like any other gym day,…


Things to remind yourself of every day!

I found this image on Facebook a few days ago (posting it below). I have no idea who started it…


Hump Day Coupon & Sweeps Share October 30, 2013

Here are this weeks coupons and sweepstakes to share! Some expire soon and some expire at the end of the…


Breaking the scale…almost anyway!

I love my scale, it's a great scale...it's very accurate. However...I hate it too! No matter how "great" a scale…


How much box do you need…seriously?!!!

I love to online shop. It saves on gas, time and a lot of Holiday Headaches. I probably shop online…


Pay it Forward Friday!

I am so excited to post my first week of pay-it-forward Friday! This week I did a few things to…


Over scheduling can hurt relationships

Something I have had a real hard time learning, and still am learning, is that over scheduling yourself to the…


Hump Day Coupon Share 10/22/2013

Hump day seems like a great day to share some coupons if you ask me! There are a lot of…


Generic paper towels versus Viva

Let's just say that I, as many others, try to save money at the store. I do by a lot…


Dance Mom’s giving us a bad name!

Most of you have probably heard of the show Dance Mom's. I have danced for over 30-years and to be honest,…
