Getting my kids to bed on time is SO EASY!

My 4 year old has started to fight a bit when it is time for bed. I have to admit…


Advertising promotion, HALF price for 90 days!

I am doing a advertising promotion for all 3 of my blogs. The regular price for the top ads on…


Helpful tips to help me be more positive

OK so after my last post I have been looking for new ways to help me be more positive so…


Turbo jam, walking, cleaning, I am worn out!

Wow yesterday was crazy!  I did 30 minutes of Turbo Jam, had to cut it short because I had a…


InterStim update, 34 days since stage 2 surgery

If this is your first time here or you have not read my blog for awhile my InterStim journey blogs…


Blog Hopping today

I am blog hopping as soon as I finish watching greys anatomy and private practice.  I am going to jog…


Blog Hopping today!



A little embarrassed, I had a break down!

I have not posted for a few days because frankly I am a little embarrassed to admit that I fell…


My kids Firsts today!

Both my kids are experimenting with new ways of eating  today.  My son ate his first meal on an actual…


Working out with Turbo Jam Cardio Party today!

I am back on the turbo jam work outs for awhile!  I have been doing the turbo work outs the…
