Categories: WTFriday

Another great show cancelled…grrrr!

I hope you will share!

OK so I went to sit down and scroll through my DVR to watch one of my new favorite TV shows, Escaping The Prophet. i was not able to though because it was not there. So I am thinking to myself that maybe it’s because the Olympics is on and it will come back. So I looked into my future recordings and ZERO recording scheduled. “That’s odd,” I thought. So I went to Google and low and behold CANCELLED!

This has made me real upset. I was bummed at first, but after reading some of the reasons why this show is cancelled I got all sorts of fumed up! So I found an article here on There was also a reply to a tweet from TLC and this is what it said…

@TLC, @florajessop, @brandonjeffs latest word from production is that was “too dark” but may be available On Demand”

Too dark! Yes you read that correct. OK so before I start my rant over this really stupid tweet from TLC and cancellation let me give you some of the shows that are on Television that are a whole lot “darker” then Escaping the Prophet.

  • The Blacklist
  • Criminal Minds
  • Dexter
  • CSI
  • Sleepy Hollow
  • The Following
  • The Walking Dead
  • Revolution
  • Law & Order
  • Castle
  • Revenge
  • American Horror Story
  • And a whole bunch more I am not listing or just don’t know about.

So I guess what they are saying is that the real life “darkness” is too dark for TV but we can watch all the “fake” blood, boobs, killing, and dark magic we want and that is NOT dark? Really?

I LOVE the show escaping the prophet. Not because I like watching all those people in Warren Jeff’shell but because I loved watching them get OUT of his hell. TLC was doing a great thing airing this for all to see and I am sure that the extra cash made by Flora Jessop and others only helped more be able to leave.

So there is my rant for this WTFriday. I really am not a huge fan of reality TV. Most of them are stupid and give very unworthy people their 15-minutes of fame and are a waste of money. A show like Escaping the Prophet SHOULD be on and people need to be educated about what goes on down right in front of their faces.

I hope Lifetime TV or some other network picks up this show. It is so worth it. I want to see Warren Jeff’s go down and go down big! Who is with me?!!

If you want to like Flora’s Escaping the Prophet support page then you can do so here.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (6)

  • I don't have cable, and I have stopped watching much of television out of disgust for the horrible values that have crept into programming and promoted on TV.

  • I wonder who gets to decide what show gets cancelled ? They should first ask the consumer ,the ones like us that keep them in business :)

  • We don't have Escaping The Prophet over here but I would be bummed too if my fave show was cancelled.

  • Its so irritating when they cancel a show you are really getting into. A show you look forward to watching. sigh. so sorry. I hadnt heard of this show before, but I do hope another network might give it a go.

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