Categories: Random Thoughts

Blogging can be come and obsessive disease!

I hope you will share!

I have found that the more I sit at the computer, the more I sit at the computer. I find that I have less and less time during the day to get things done as I find myself making excuses to “just do one more thing.”

I was talking to my blogging BFF Terry at My Journey with Candida and she said “it is kind of like a sickness and I think I am sick.” I totally agree with her, it can become a disease and an addiction and even though I love blogging etc, enough has to be enough.
Today is the day I sit down with my daughter and make a chore chart and a schedule for the both of us.
This morning I got up at 6am and went on a 60 minute walk with the dog and my friend Janet. Then I came home, made breakfast and got the kids ready for a little bike ride around our block. I took the dog again, my daughter rode her bike and my son got pulled in the wagon. I tried to walk him but the poor boy kept tripping and after his second scraped knee we came home and got the wagon.

Now we are home, in the hot humid weather, and here I sit. I will not sit longer than this post as I need to get a schedule done.

How many other bloggers have found themselves sitting longer and longer at the computer. How many of you have had to make a schedule to keep you sane and on track?

Have a great day and I will take a picture of our completed works later today or tomorrow.


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (9)

  • I SO know where you are coming from. I get on here with every intention of posting at least one thing on my blog. After all it's called the Davis DAILY Dose lol I have to post daily, but then another blog catches my eye and I read that and then that gives me an idea and I follow up on that, then a freebie comes through Twitter that I just HAVE to share. It's crazy. So I will follow your lead and make this my last bloggy thing I do, at least until little man's naptime lol

  • I have slowly become addicted to it myself. I started with just writing memories down and it slowly turned into tuning into what other people are doing and seeing into their lives, if only for a moment.

    I have set a curfew and force myself off the computer. I don't have little children to occupy my time. It is only when I am with my grandchildren that I am off completely.

    At work, I surf the web in between projects.

    My name is Abbie, and I am addicted to blogs and blog hopping.

  • Yay!!! good for you Tawna!!

    When my Daughter was little, there was no internet ... well, none like we have today.

    I used to pack a little lunch and we would go on a picnic. Even if it was just up the road and we sat on a rock to eat. She loved it and to this day she loves picnics.

  • I have been taking a break recently because I was so addicted I could not get anything else done.

  • Ditto. when I get to that point, I take few days of break so I can "live"

  • I often wonder how I get anything done because I, too, am addicted. My husband tells me often that I am stuck on this computer...but then again he has Bejeweled on the we booked a cruise and will have 7 days away from the internet...think I will survive?

  • I love you gals! Yes we are all addicted. Abbie, I am following you!
    My name is Tawna and I too have a blogging addiction! We all need help!!!

    Maybe there are support groups (on the computer)!LOL

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