Categories: Reviews

Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream Review

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I am very excited to share my 30-day journey with the Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream.

For the past couple of years, well since I have quit having kids, I have noticed that my skin has changed. This change has not been good, in my opinion. Here are a few things I have noticed in the last two and a half years.

  • Elasticity is lacking
  • Pores are more noticeable
  • Small dark brown spots showing up
  • Color is not as even
  • Looks old (not sure how to better explain that but it does)

So when a representative from e-mailed me to try a product I was ecstatic to say the least. The product I chose to try for 30-days was the Neck Restoration Cream. I figured it couldn’t hurt, it was free, and I wanted to know if it was the product I had been looking for.

Here is my 30-day trial period.

Day one began with a picture of the side view of my neck. I am so mad at myself for not taking a front view, but I didn’t. I noticed a difference looking into the mirror every day so a front view would have been nice…lesson learned.

Not loving the double chin flap that miraculously showed up in the last handful of years, but there you go…it’s me.

The directions are to put the cream on the neck, throat, and v-zone twice a day. The v-zone is the part of the chest you see if you wear a v-neck shirt. I was pretty good at remembering to do this every day. There were probably 3-4 days I remembered only once so not too bad.

Some things I noticed within the first week to week an a half using the cream…

  • Skin color was seeming a bit more “even”
  • Pores were looking a “tad” smaller

After about two weeks I really started noticing the skin becoming even more even and the pores were not so big anymore. Again, wish I had taken a front picture because this was happening even more in my v-zone.

After 30-days I had even more evening of my skin color and my pores look really good. I have had two people in the last week that have complimented me on my complexion. That has not happened in a long time.

Would I say that my transformation was dramatic or magical? Well in 30-days not  “magical” but it definitely made a difference. I am excited to see what happens in 60-days, but first here is my 30-day experience.

What I have noticed in 30-days of using the cream…

  • Skin color is a lot more even
  • Not seeing the darker spots as noticeable
  • Pores are looking even smaller
  • Double chin flab seems a bit more tight (especially when I look straight in the mirror)
  • Elasticity seems to be a bit tighter

Again, I wish I would have taken a picture of my face and neck so you could see the spots and skin tone difference. I definitely notice a difference and will continue to evaluate this cream until it is gone. It seems to go a real long way. I have had it for just over 30-days now and still have some in there. I have not idea how long it will last.

Here is a side-by-side picture of my before and after. You can see a slight difference in the neck/chin area. The coloring in my face is different because we moved into a new house and the light in here is totally different. I did get a little sun to my face since the before but no matter where I took the picture I could not match the lighting of our old house.

Do I think this cream is worth the money? Well after 30-days I am satisfied with my results. I will definitely be considering this cream as a purchase in the future. I am really excited to see my results after I completely use the entire bottle. If I think about it I will come back and update this blog post with a new picture after the bottle is gone. I am curious to know how long it lasts.

Oh one thing I almost forgot to mention. I have tried many other neck creams before and 9/10 times they make me break out in major acne. I am 41-years-old and yes I still get acne, it is so not fair. Anyway, I was worried about getting a break out with this cream and it did not happen. That is huge for me. It was nice to not have to have all those red blemishes all over my neck.

So if I remember to do it I will come back and post a picture of me after the entire bottle is gone. I am curious to know how the neck looks after the entire usage.

If you are interested in checking out and browsing this product or other products you can do so here.

I want to say thanks to Dermagist for giving me this product to review. Even though they gave me the product, this review is 100% my own views.

Have a good day!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (2)

  • There is a definite difference between the before and after. Your skin looks so much smoother after. Maybe you have discovered the Fountain Of Youth!!

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