All I can say is if you have not seen it I would suggest it. For anyone that wants our government to rule every little thing we do and not question it then you need to watch this move and tell me if you still agree. This is very disturbing and I will never ever allow me or my children to eat fast food again and am going to find different outlets other then the grocery store to buy my meat.
I just don’t get how our food industry has become so corrupt and the government does not stop it? We can’t even pass a bill to allow the USDA to close down industries that test positive for ecoli, salmonella, and whatever else, constantly? Ridiculous! We need to fight the government and make them change the way all these processes are done. We need to allow smaller companies like they had back in the 50’s, 60’’s and 70’s so we as people have a choice. We keep giving the government all this power but we don’t fight hard enough when they are severely screwing up like they are with our food.
How these slaughter houses and farms abuse these animals is horrible. Not giving the chickens any light at all and the hidden camera shows the abuse that they get. Cows and pigs in their own feces all the time and they are so close to each other they can barely walk. Disturbing!