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Find New Friends Wekend Hop week 2!

I hope you will share!

My first Blog Hop was so seccessful we are going for number 2!
Rules are easy:

1. Follow my blog and BOTH my co- hosts through GFC
Co-Host-2:  Aimee from Classified Mom
2. Grab the button and put it in a post or on your sidebar and let us know where it is. This will help the hop grow and gain us all new followers. It’s a Win, Win for everyone!
Please play nice and follow our simple rules!
If you have any issues with the code let me know.
Last rule:
Follow, Follow, Follow, and have fun meeting new and amazing bloggers.
Feel free to leave your giveaway links or whichever post you would like us to read!
Please don’t forget to leave my wonderful co-hosts and I a comment on our blogs so we can follow you back!
If you are interested in co-hosting this hop in the future please drop me an e-mail on my contact tab.
HOP is open from Friday to Sunday!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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