Categories: Cakes

Flower Boquet Cake

I hope you will share!

I know this is my second day in a row for cakes, but here you go anyway!

I wanted to make both my kids birthday cakes. My step-daughter and my oldest daughter are only a week apart in birthdays so we did a family party together as we were heading to Disney World a week later. The friend parties would be when we got back.

I watched DC cupcakes on NetFlix and saw a beautiful bouquet cake they made out of cupcakes. I decided to do two of these, one for each of them. It really wasn’t too hard.First I went to the craft store and found a large foam ball and cut it in half. Then I found that they sold halves already…will know that for next time! I bought flower pots and made some brown fondant and covered the foam ball.

I then bought so wooden stems and broke them in about 3rd’s and used them to put the cupcakes onto the fondant ball. I also found these at the craft store.

I like to make white and chocolate cake to give guests an option and doing this in cupcakes was awesome. So easy and I had plenty.

Then I made butter cream frosting and colored it in blue, pink and purple. My step-daughter loves blue and purple and my daughter loves pink and purple. Easy for me and they could tell which was their bouquet cake.

I then tried to hand cut numbers for their age and put them on flower stems. OK I know…I need to buy cutters. But it does not look horrible.

Anyway, it really only took me just over an hour to decorate both cakes. I was really pleased with them and having the pot made it so easy for my step-daughter to take her cake home. I love this bouquet idea! Here are the finished cakes!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (2)

  • I was just wondering, why could you put foil inside the pot, bake a cake in the pot and stick the cupcakes into the real cake? That way you would have more cake to serve.

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