Categories: P90X Journey

Getting more limber and stronger thanks P90X!

I hope you will share!

My husband and I are now 3 days into week 9 of P90X and we are both getting stronger and more limber. There is one stretch in particular that is just the death of me and I do dislike and and mainly because it hurts like a mother to do it. It is the quad stretch. For the first weeks of P90X I could grab my right leg, but not my ankle and I could not grab my left leg at all. I spent the entire stretch trying my hardest.In the past few weeks I could finally start grabbing my leg on the left and had cinched to my right ankle. NOW, and this is so unbelievable tome, I can actually grab the top of my foot on BOTH sides! Looky here!

It is still a little more uncomfortable on my left side when compared to my right BUT I am doing it! This is just one of many things that have changed for me during y P90X class.  We have just over 3 weeks left and I feel great. Will this be the first and last time I do this…NO?! I do want something different for awhile just for a change up however I will do the more intense version (2nd one out of 3) after a few weeks of something else. I can feel a difference and I get compliments ALL the time that I look good! What more could I ask for?!!

Anyway, keep a look out for more updated pics of me coming sometime this week. I did have some taken, by my 4 year old, and they were so blurry I had to delete them. Guess I need to remember to take them when my hubby is home so they turn out. I can’t fault her though because my 4 year old has taken a ton of pics of me that I have successfully posted.

Love you peanut!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

OH and check out my measurements tab, I updated them today too!

I LUV Sharing!

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