Categories: Physical Healthy Journey posts

Gym memberships…too expensive?

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So I have lost most all my weight at home. I lost about 70 pounds at home. Pretty darn good if you ask me. I am not a huge lover of working out in front of others but over the last few months I have actually wanted a change from the TV and workout DVDs. I also have been very successful working out with the kids at home, bothering me a lot too. I just pause the workout and then get back to it when I can. But I have needed a change.

I shopped around at some gyms in my area as I wanted to see what they have to offer now. I have not had a gym membership since the 90’s and figured someone out there had to have a contract free membership our there. I got a bunch of quotes and did end up joining the local FitWorks near my house. At first I was worried about the $29.95 a month I would be paying but they give me free daycare for both kids, tanning (which I will probably never use) unlimited workout classes and 24-hour gym access. And no, FitWorks did not pay me to write this, in fact they have no idea I am writing this.

The $$ was bothering me for a couple days. Then I realized that my worry was really kind of, well, dumb. This is what happened.

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My hubby and I decided to take the kids out for dinner on a Friday night. We tried real hard to find somewhere that was not overly expensive but not fast food. We found a typical family restaurant where adult dinners ranged about $10 a meal and kids were about $5-6. After drinks and tips etc we spent over $35 on one stinking meal. One meal that was not even that great, but just good.

So I sat there on the way home and said to my husband. “You know that money we just spend on dinner could have paid for more then a month of a gym membership? Seriously…one lousy dinner. It was then I have changed my attitude.

So you think gym memberships are too expensive. Well, sit down and figure out your food budget and how much you spend out? Could you sacrifice one meal out to pay for a membership? Eating out is a big weight gainer anyway.

So there is my free plug for my gym. I don’t bat an eye paying the membership anymore as it makes me feel good to go. I have found times where I can take my kids,  and there is barely anyone there so I am comfortable working out there.

Sometimes it takes some prioritizing to get things in perspective. For me this membership is worth it. We still go out on Friday’s but not every Friday.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (1)

  • My Hubs is talking about joining a gym or something. Not sure what is around here but I should check it out and give it to him for Christmas... or his Birthday

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