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I need a 3rd job to be able to afford a movie in the theater!

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I am a movie buff and I do love going to the theater but now that I am a stay-at-home Mom with one income the movie theater sees a whole lot less of me. We are lucky if we see one movie a year. I used to think that I missed the theater a lot but the last time we went to a movie and it cost my husband and me about $40 to go, I wondered why the heck I go to the theater anymore. Why….well there are many reasons.

First off we have Netflix, a big screen TV with surround sound, HD and a blue ray player. It is a pretty sweet movie experience at my house. My husband is a techy geek and we may not have a lot of money but he knows how to “rig” things u for a lot less and we have worked on it over the past few years.

My Netflix account is under $15 a month and I get instant access and unlimited DVDs per month. I can make my own popcorn for a small fraction of the price of movie popcorn (and a whole lot healthier) and we can pause the movie to put the kids to bed etc. and we don’t have to pay a babysitter.

We went to see a movie in the theater and the tickets now were $10.50 per person…seriously! We hardly go so we sprung for popcorn and a drink, to share mind you, and we spent another $15-$20. I was irritated by then but we don’t do it much so I let it go. We watched the movie and it was not that great. I was more irritated. We spent about $40 to eat cold popcorn and sat in a theater with someone’s kid kicking the back of my seat the whole time (the parents did not seem to care) and listen to others chew their stinking popcorn with their mouths open (my hubby included) and the movie was not that great.

If I would have netflixed the movie when it came out on DVD, which does not take that long anymore, I could have done all of this for under $5 for the whole family and I could have turned the movie off and went o the next one or left and let my hubby finish it and did something productive.

I am not getting paid by Netflix to post this at all; this is simply just my opinion only. I do love and swear by Netflix and recommend it to everyone! The next movie I will see in the theater is Harry Potter’s last and that may be the last theater movie for me for a really long time. There is seriously no reason in this world the theater needs to charge so stinking much for the movie experience. It is a freaking joke!

Have a great day my lovely readers!


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