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Inches lost in 17 days!

I hope you will share!

All measurement in inches.
Nov 2                                  Nov 19           Loss or Gain

Bust 41                                41                   0
Under bust 35 3/4                35 1/2             L 1/4
Waist 41                              40 3/4             L 1/4
Around C-section scar 42    42                   0
Hips  44 1/2                         44 1/2            0
Thigh (1)  24/3/4                  24 3/4            0
Arm 12                                12                  0
Some might think that a half inch is not worth posting but I do!  I was noticing my clothes feeling even a little bit more lose so I thought I would measure.  In just a couple of weeks a half inch is awesome!  I really needed to see a loss today to help cheer me up so yay me!

Still been keeping up with the plank position about every other day.   busted the free weights and the leg weights out just 2 days ago.  cleaning the house a lot to help relieve stress with worrying about my Dad right now.  I know that I am not losing some stress weight and I have had insomnia due to the worrying too so I know for a fact that is keeping some of it on.  Trying to relieve that now.

Have a great weekend!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (2)

  • Thank you for your follow, I am now following you back. Have a great weekend!

  • I haven't been able to read your blog in a while because of my schedule. I missed hearing about your dad. Not knowing the problem, I can only offer this advise about worrying. There is nothing gained by worrying about something you can't change. I know this is easier said than done, but when you stop to think about it, it is so true.

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