Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsPhysical Healthy Journey postsWorkout DVDs

INSANE workout for day 2!

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Yes today’s workout was INSANE and from Insanity! Oh my lord Shaun T is totally insane. His workouts are top notch HARD! That can definitely be a good thing, especially if you have been working out for awhile and can handle it.

I have tried Insanity in the past and made it 30 of the 60-days. Then I got shin splints and had to go to an easier workout. I threw in some Insanity workouts into my 40-day workouts, but not a ton.

Today I did number 08 and it’s called Max Internal Circuit. It is a 60 minutes workout and I made it 30 minutes. Not too bad for day 2, since I have been on a workout low for a few months.

There were some moves that involved the arms that I left the arms out. Such as: floor hops, lungs, ski abs, frog jumps, floor kicks(did standing).

My target heart rate is between 110-125 and even with the arms being taken out I managed to stay mostly around 123 bpm. So definitely still go a great workout.

Now the DVD is on the bottom of the pile…thank goodness. Next time I pull out this DVD, if I do these 40 workouts again, then I should be able to blow through the entire 60 minutes! Now off to the shower!

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" admin : ."

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