Categories: InterStim

InterStim Dilemma

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So it’s been a whirlwind I’ve had my interstim turned off for like two and a half years because I was having some pains and my urologist who kind of blew me off right after surgery, who only did one follow up with me, is no longer around. His old office wouldn’t see me because it didn’t take my insurance. So, I went without a doctor for two and a half years. Mind you anytime I called their stupid office during the first handful of months, I was pushed off to my Medtronic rep. My medtronic rep told me I was calling for doctor related issues, which the rep was correct. Pretty much my first Urologist just wanted me to be a number on his Stim trial list. Since 2010 he has seen me once, on my 2-week follow up. 

Now there is a newer doctor in the area and I finally was able to go in and see them.

Let me rewind…

I had a sling put in 3 years ago that took care a lot of the incontinence problems but still the OAB needs to be treated. At least I had a little bit of alleviation from the sling. Had this not been the case, it would have been a mess without having a doctor.

So, went to new doctor and of course my stem is the dinosaur version as I’ve had it for 7 years. Now I’ve got one or three options. 1. I remove it and let it go. 2. I go through a new trial and get it completely removed and put a new one in. 3. I replace the battery in this old one because it has 4 months of life left.

Now this doctor’s office seems a lot better than my other doctors office but you know I’m going on faith with that. How do I know they won’t drop my insurance in a day because right now everyone’s dropping my stupid insurance. So much for keeping your damn doctor. I haven’t had the same doctor in five years which is ridiculous. Mind you that is a doctor period. My primary care has changed so many times, I don’t even remember who is my primary right now. I have no damn choice who I see right now. So what do I do now?Feeling super lost right now and even more frustrated!

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" admin : ."

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