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It may not be extreme but it worked! I reached my goal again!

I hope you will share!

I have had a goal of 400 Facebook followers by the end of January 2011 on my business FB page the entire month of January.  I believe I started the month with just over 200 fans.

It may seem small to some but it made my whole night to see that number go from 399 to 400 in 3 minutes!

I logged on to facebook at 11:55pm and was at 399 fans. I did not say, ARGH I did not make it, I said, “hm still 5 minutes!” I literally wrote a status update that said “I only need 1 more fan in the next 5 minutes,” and literally, almost the exact same time I wrote it my 400th fan Latisha liked my page.  I am not kidding, it was almost as fast as me pushing the share button on FB and I had 400 fans at 11:58pm on January 31,2011.

This may seem silly to some but this is just more proof that LOA works! Positive LOA is the best. If you don’t believe by now that we can control our law of attraction and become more positive and attract what we want, then I don’t know how else to convince you. Oh yes I do….I will keep blogging my awesome experiences until all those skeptical people are saying “yes I get it now, it works!”

This is just one more small step for me in the right direction to where I want my life to be, POSITIVE and loving it!

Here is my FB fan page to check out if you want!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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