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I have a big struggle with that little voice you hear in your head and feel in your gut. You know the one that tells you to do things and when you ignore it you usually regret it? Well I fight that voice, and try not too but my dumb head sometimes thinks it is smarter…it’s not.
So today that little voice talked to me twice, twice I listened, and twice I was…WHEW glad I listened!
I have not logged into a store front in a while because I had not sold anything in a long time. Probably for more then 6 months. Today I decided to log in and found an order that was placed 2-days ago. If I would have ignored the voice I would have had one nasty and upset customer so glad I listened and logged in. I also found out that they had the wrong notification e-mail, an inactive account. I would have never known I had an order without listening to my voice!
Second thing is that I also NEVER check my PO box because, well, we use it for business and I just don’t check it. Maybe twice a year. Today I actually felt I needed to check it. It is cold outside and I have to drive to get to it. Many times I have opted NOT to go check it for this and other less reasons. Today I forced myself after having the above experience and figured that voice was telling me some good things today. Well…glad I did. I had a certified letter from the Tax Department for my business. It had a deadline on it and that dead line was TOMORROW! No kidding…tomorrow!
Had I not checked my PO box TODAY, I would have had a 3 digit penalty that I really am not able to afford right now…WHEW!
So you would think that I would listen to that voice all the time right? Well I have to be honest, I sometimes don’t and pay the price. Hopefully next time I hear and feel that urge to do something, I will NOT ignore it because it sure saved my butt today!
Have a great day!