Categories: Reviews

Look what I got from ALICE!

I hope you will share!

I was using to get my Huggies diapers for dirt cheap for about 3-4 months and then BAM they ended it. Not that they ended the subscribe and save diapers but they told me that mine where “temporally unavailable” and I could not find them for the low price anywhere on their site. They were about $9 more a box if I wanted to re-sign up. The nice thing is that I have a free prime membership til like Jan or Feb 2012 but not so happy about the diapers.

I have used the heck out of my prime shipping though. In the long run I have saved more than my share in shipping costs.

I did want to find some cheaper options so I started Googling and found Shipping is FREE on everything. How sweet is that? So I ordered my first order and I bought toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant for me and the hubby, quart and gallon zip lock bags. It was shipped to my door for about $22.00. My second order I am sharing with you because it rocks, and again… free shipping.

My entire order $24.43 shipped within 48 hours of making my order!

I really wanted to make sure I was getting a good deal so I went to my local grocery and Wal-mart and compared prices. The deodorant was a few cents more then at Wal-mart but everything else was about the same price. Spending the extra like .60cents on deodorant is worth it to me. I hate going to Wal-mart! It is a 10-15 minute drive and I have to pack the kids in the car. Plus it is the only store that carries my arm and hammer sensitive toothpaste. Yay Alice had it and cheaper!

I don’t get all my essentials form Alice, but I am finding more and more. This makes my trip to the grocery a lot less and even better it cuts down my impulse buying because I am going to the store LESS! It really has saved me money over the last 4 weeks I have used it.

I love sharing what I love and of course don’t love. If you ever want to check out yourself, go ahead here! I would be surprised if you were disappointed. I told my my BFF Laura in KY and she is hooked on it too. She is a bad impulse buyer so she already told me that it has saved her big time too.

Oh and another cool promotion they offer is if you visit them from here then you get a $10 savings on your first $50 you spend with them. Even more awesomeness!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (1)

  • I love Alice! I especially appreciated it when our car broke down and I didn't want to carry cat litter or other heavy things on my bike.

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