Categories: Random Thoughts

Losing your piece of plastic can be a lot of work!

I hope you will share!

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We have gone to a world of plastic andt can be a horrifying moment when we lose or debit/credit cards but it is a long process to take care of everything after the initial loss!

left my debit card in my banks ATM a few weeks back and I am still paying the price! ARGH!

I thought I had everything changed to my new number but boy was I WRONG! I had a few automatic bills on the card and it seems I had more than a few!

I did not realize how many until I started getting e-mails and home mail telling me my accounts were not current.

I have since then changed most of those accounts to draft my my bank and not the credit card but some of the bills will only allow a credit card. You would think they would all do bank draft because that does not EXPIRE! Of course bank accounts can change, but definitely not as much as card numbers!

Lets hope I got all of them now!

My advice:
Keep a record, filed somewhere, of all your bills and write next to them; auto by credit card or bank draft, check, etc. That way when you go through the card number change it will be easy to make sure you stay current on your bills!

Peace everyone and have a wonderful day!


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (3)

  • Thanks for the advice.

    I have heard stories about what to do when you lose your card.

    You are so right you don't truly realize how many accounts use that number.

    Good luck! Hopefully no more surprises for you.


  • Thank God, I do not take care of the bills. My Hubs does all that. I don't even have a credit card. If I need money, I just hold out my hand.....LOL

    I would poop my pants if I lost a credit card.

  • My hubby took care of the bills once....after the 10th disconnect notice I took them over. I WISH he did them! He just has no discipline and buys toys. Now he gets frsutrated with me because we never have any money because I pay the bills first!

    Novel idea...I know!

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