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Microwave saftey, who’d thought?!

I hope you will share!

Did anyone else know that microwaves have child safety built in? I did not know and especially did not expect this from our 15 year old microwave.
My 17 month old son has just become tall enough to hit the buttons on the little island we have it sitting on. There is just no other place to put it.
I find him, daily, hitting the buttons because he like to hear the “beep” sound. I have always worried, not that he will start it, but that he will figure out how to open it when he is a few more inches, and who knows what he will put in there.
The other day my husband said “why does is say CHILD on the microwave?” I did not even understand what he meant by that at all. I said “what, do you have your glasses on?” He told me to go look at the microwave and sure enough, where the numbers usually are it said “Child.” Look….
Wow! I had no idea but I guess when so many buttons get hit at one certain time the microwave actually locks and displays the child name, how cool!
We tried hitting clear and pressing pretty much every button and the ONLY way we got it to clear was to unplug it and plug it back in.
I guess Panasonic is getting s free plug on my blog today because I love this feature!
Does anyone else have this on their microwave? Please share!
Sometimes the little things in life make me so happy!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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