Categories: Cakes

Monster Truck Cake

I hope you will share!

Wow I am going to toot my own horn because I am pretty proud of my cake. It was my son’s third birthday and he wanted a monster truck theme and I was on a mission to make a cake for him.

As you know I have been teaching myself via YouTube and trial and error cake decorating. The monster truck cake was going to test my skills big time. I did find an awesome video that broke it down step-by-step on This is the first time I have had a step-by-step recipe so it made it a lot easier then I anticipated.

I would show you step-by-step in this blog post but since I got the idea from I will not re-copy below because I don’t want to copyright. But here is how the cake turned out…

Sorry for the lousy background of the pic but it was cool in the basement to keep the cake so it’s not real picture worthy.

Anyway I wanted to share. I forgot to take a picture after I put chocolate and honey smashed up graham crackers all over it so the “dirt” had some light on it too.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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