Here are a couple today!
The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but seeing with new eyes. –Marcel Proust
The sense of wonder—that is our sixth sense. –D.H. Lawrence
Have you ever gone somewhere, that you have been to a million times, with someone new, and they have showed you something you have NEVER seen before?
We all do this, especially ME! I remember quite a few years back, when I lived in Utah, we would go to Lagoon (an amusement park) a few times a year. I got pretty bored of it because it was not new to me anymore.
One trip did change that. My friend has a foreign exchange student from Yugoslavia and she had NEVER seen anything like Lagoon before. From the second we walked into the park, until the last minute we were there, her eyes were as big as the sun and she took in EVERYTHING. I have to tell you that this day at Lagoon was the absolute best day I have ever had at any amusement park.
Everything was “wow, this I cannot believe,” wow, I cold never dream this!” There were more things she said too but those were the ones I remember right now.
I felt like I had taken a small child for the first time to Disneyland. It was so stinking fun.
I truly believe that we tend to forget to see all the new and exciting things out there in the world that are right in front of our faces every day. Have you noticed and almost everyone hates where they live? Do you hear as often as I do “Why would you move here, I can’t wait to get out?!” I did this with Utah and I did leave. I miss it, there are a lot of great things in Utah I miss and I chose to look past when I was there. Was it the state for me? No, but I would say that there are a ton of beautiful reasons to live there. My eyes have opened up in this journey and I am willing to see the good in front of me every day.
Let’s not take things for granted and enjoy life with wide open eyes and gratitude!
Have a positively positive day!
View Comments (2)
So true and a wonderful reminder, I still miss American food though. Nothing to like about fishballs, stinky cheese, rotten fish and sheepshead.......no, not kidding! I would really love a rootbeer as well.
YES! I love trying to look at things from my kids' point of view, especially my toddler. Boring things like vacuuming, doing the dishes, and dusting can become adventures when I just take the time to try to view it all through his eyes. I must say that I don't always do this but, after this post, I will try harder to do so.