Categories: Random Thoughts

My hubby actually had a funny/witty comment to me! Doesn’t happen much.

I hope you will share!

From MS Word clipart







I dislike reptiles A LOT especially snakes! I would use the word HATE however we don’t use that word in our house so dislike is as close as I can describe my feelings towards them.

My husband said something funny about this in the car the other day and I had to share because he is not always the wittiest man but he was this time and it cracked me up.He saidhoney you must have Reptile Dysfunction!We both laughed out loud and I said “yup I guess I do, I did not know girls could have it but I guess I have it!

I do not like; lizards, turtles, frogs, beared dragons, etc, etc, you get the idea. I don’t know why as I have never had a bad experience with them they just freak me out. I don’t like the mean look they have on their face and the fact that a bite from some of them can, um, I don’t know, KILL you! YUCK!

Well there you have it, my random post for the day!

What do you dislike?

Have a good day!


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View Comments (3)

  • I am right there with you on the snakes. They give me the heepie jeepies. I have been known to do a dance or two when I see one close by.

  • LMAO! I just spit sprite everywhere from laughing so hard!
    I dislike rats, spiders, snakes and many more!

  • I dislike roaches!!! Just thinking about them gives me the hibbie jibbies ugh!!

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