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My prayer to the Universe today!

I hope you will share!

Dear Universe:
I need your positive strength to not let myself get down and frustrated today. Stumbling into a few obstacles this week and trying my darnedest to keep my head held high and not let it bring me down.

I know I am on the right track with my positive life and know that there is a reason for everything and this too shall pass and will not affect my journey in any way.

I WILL succeed and I WILL prevail!

Every negative day is in the past and by tomorrow today will be history and only positive days are ahead of me! I am truly grateful for today and every day I can make a positive difference to myself, my family and others. I pray that others in my life can see that and let me help them make the same positive influences.


With all my heart and love

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I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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