Categories: Mental Health Journey posts

New vision poster DONE makes me feel happy!

I hope you will share!

I have made a few vision posters in the past and just updated it. It is not something that you only make once, it is something that needs to be updated when your goals change. Mine change daily, however I only change it about 3 times a year. So here it is and after the picture I will explain what I changed and why.










Here is my daughters new one










She is starting to get the idea but not quite, but it is a fun time together.

I did accomplish some things on it so i removed those and added new. There were things i was ignoring and doing this poster again made me realize those things and now I am pumped to get to them!

Thinking positive is key and not being afraid to be positive and trying new things is key too!

I added a great quote about being fearless and I love how big it is. it says “Free yourself from fear!” Love love love this. How many times do we streer away from our potential because we are scared of failure? We all do it and now it’s time to stop! In order to succeed we must fail! We have to figure out what does not work so we can make it work!

Anyone else have a vision poster to share, I would love to see it and will link to it from my blog!

Have a wonderfully positively positive day!


visit my website

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (6)

  • Vision boards are fun. I need to get started on mine. It's been an interesting day of reading blogs regarding goals. I posted today about goals and now doing my daily reading, I'm seeing I wasn't the only one thinking in that direction. How awesome!

  • I never thought of doing a new vision poster. Great Idea as always Tawna!

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