Categories: 40 workoutsAt home workoutsBeachbody reviews from a NON COACHP90X JourneyPhysical Healthy Journey postsWorkout DVDsWorkout with InsterStim

Next workout Ab Ripper

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I am not publishing these workouts every day so it may seem that I am missing a lot of days but really, the posts are just being delayed. The next workout in my stack of DVDs was P90X Ab Ripper. This workout is not very long but it is a good one! Goodness, I did about 2/3 of it. Before when I finished P90X I could “rip” right through it and do everything…mostly, but today, ugh…

My 25 reps of each, that is what Toni Horton says to do, were more like maybe 15-20. My thighs burned and my abs burned…I guess that is the pint eh?


This is a good ab workout. I need to get back into shape so I can do the whole thing. There were some that I could do now that I couldn’t do before and vice versa.

I had the InterStim Implant back in 2010. The last time I did P90X I was in our older home and the workout floor was hardwood. I have a Yoga mat but was unable to successfully do the ab workouts that caused me to roll on my back hips.

In our new home we have thick shag carpet in the basement where I have been working out. I wish shag carpet would stay back int he 70’s where it belongs but for the hip exercises, it made it nice and soft for me. I could actually do them. So I guess shag carpet is not all that bad…lol

So even though I did only partial reps I was able to do more of the workouts, then before, because my hip could take it…yay!

Next time I will do all 25 reps of each exercise AND all of them…super cool!

Have a wonderful day!


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