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Not as much steps and I would have thought

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I have had this post in my drafts for months and forgot about it. Still worth writing so here it is.

Back in April we went on a trip to Disney World. My husband and I got into the conversation about our exercise regimen and we thought that we would be fin,e because it’s Disney, we would be on our feet all the tine. So we thought that we could just use that as our exercise. Not really what the outcome was, in fact it was a lot less then anticipated.I wore a pedometer for the days we were at the park and I was pretty disappointed in the numbers. I have heard that if you want to lose weight you need to take about 10,000 steps a day. I figured, easy, while at Disney World, but I was half that…seriously.

I averaged 5,000 steps per day during my 5-days it he parks. We walked a lot, I thought, but in reality we mostly stood. Think about it, 60-90 minutes in a  line, not so much walking, but rather waiting.

I was tired at the end of the day, but honestly felt like I needed to work out and get my heart rate up. It was a different exhaustion then doing a heavy workout. I actually had a hard time getting back into a workout routine when I got home.

So next time I will do things different. If we go 5-days in the park again I would rather go every other day. On the off days I would workout at the hotel for 30-40 minutes and get my heart rate up. Then I wont’ feel so poopy and have a hard time getting back on my exercise routine when I get home.

So don’t let the lot’s of standing fool you. Yes it does burn more calories to stand than sit, but it’s not a ton more. There is a big difference from walking a lot and waiting a lot…

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (1)

  • Wow!! I would of thought like you did, that you would get all your steps in. I don't know about you... I hate standing in line.

    Well, you had fun with the kids so that is all that counts.

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