Categories: Physical Healthy Journey posts

Not wanting as much coffee and I am OK with it

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I have learned that the healthier I get, the less coffee I want. How cool is that? I used to be a 2-cup fiend every morning and now I only drink one 22 ounce cup instead of 2!

Here is why I believe that my body wants less coffee do to  my healthy journey.My body used to crave anything that would give me energy and before I started my journey to health, that would be; coffee, chocolate, candy, sugar, white carbohydrates, and cola. Even in the beginning of my journey I still craved a lot of this stuff and had to fight with myself to not eat it.

I have noticed in the last 2 months that I have been eating less chocolate, and leaving my second cup of coffee in the coffee pot and literally forgetting about it. It is not like this is a one or two day thing, it has been happening a lot!

When I find the left over coffee, there is part of me that says “dang, I forgot to drink this!” There is also another part of me that thinks, “well I guess I don’t really even want it.”

The chocolate cravings have been taken care of with my health shakes every day. They are chocolate, it fills the sweet tooth with the non-sugar sweetness!

My coffee craving is limited as my body is getting a lot of great energy from being healthy. Have you heard the saying before that if you eat the right foods then your body will start to crave them? Well..this is happening now. I still like my one cup of coffee, but I am going to stop making enough for two. Why waste it?

Anything in moderation is OK to eat as long as it stays in moderation. I am so OK with coffee being less. Do I want to get rid of it totally? Not now as it is my relaxing time in the morning. Will I get rid of it in the future…maybe, who knows. Am I going to feel guilty for drinking one cup? Heck now!  Do I feel good that my body is making a positive change? Heck yes I do!

So in the end, my coffee bill will go down as I will only be making one cup. My body is liking this healthy me so I am going to go with it and stick to it. It is not even real hard anymore. I have been doing it for so long that it does not even feel like work anymore.  I am loving this! Glad I did not wait much longer to make theses changes. Now I am a healthy 40-year-old woman, go me!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day too!


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View Comments (1)

  • How great is that!!! Pretty soon, you are going to be the picture of health.

    I still miss chocolate, but don't crave it like I used to.

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