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Oh what a Beautiful morning , oh what a beautiful day!

I hope you will share!

I just keep singing this over and over today….I have to remember that every day is a blessing! Here was my day.
Woke up 6am to head to a conference to flood watches all over. Ton’s of rain. Debated for while whether or not to drive the hour and 15 minutes, but I did.
When I did decide to leave (which was 30 minutes later then I should have) I walked out to the car, in the rain, and spilled my coffee all over me and my unbrella while getting int he car. Postponed me a little long of course.

Drove to the conference with not issues and the rain let up a bit so that was good.
Had a hard time sitting and staying awake during it. had to stand for the last hour (InterStim implant still does not like me to sit in hard chairs too long).
Drove home while trying to pry eyes open, but made it.
Made a lopsided cake for my friends surprise party. But it still looks pretty good for my first time.
We met my father-in-law for dinner and on the way home we hit a huge pot hole and we got a front tire that we had to change, at night, in the cold rain, with two kids in the backseat, on the on ramp to the freeway. Oh and I now have $12 in my bank account and my car takes only high performance alloy wheel tires and they are at the cheapest $99 each. You do that math!
This is not my actual tire, I did not have the camera with me, I just wanted to add a picture here for visual aid!
Made homemade rolls for the party too (yes from scratch)!
Spent another 60 minutes cleaning up and taking some ibuprofen so my back and legs will quite hurting and now it’s 1:15am!
Time for BED!
Really, I am not stressed or upset. The old me would have been but I have been pretty good all day long. I have been living a very stressful schedule the last few days but I have been surprisingly calm.
I know my friend will appreciate all my hard work and that is why I did all this work. the cake may not be a masterpiece but was made from the heart. it’s my first so just think what my 2nd, 3rd, 10th will look like…sweet!
I am positively thinking that my tire will be reparable. It is always a good possibility that it just go bumped off the bead and can be repositioned. Hay, why not, it can happen?!!
I smelled like coffee all morning long in my conference. Hay, better then the guy who smelled like BO a few seats back! It least my coffee smelled good!
Now off to bed and gearing up for an awesome Sunday (well it’s Sunday now so rest of Sunday)!
Have a wonderfully positive Sunday everyone! I guess I can’t post this til late Sunday because I don’t want my friend to get any hints towards her surprise party today. So when you read this I will be home and in bed again awaiting Marvelous Monday!
Well it’s Sunday morning and the tire is checked and… cannot be fixed. I am trying very hard to stay positive today, I really am. It is hard. With $12 in the bank how am I suppose to get a new tire? On top of that my coffee maker broke this morning and will not make ANY coffee at all. Should I spend my last 12 bucks on 10-12 days worth of coffee?  Hmmmm decisions! Oh wait, don’t I need a car to get coffee?!

I am in the process of looking for my happy place today. It will definitely be a huge test for me today!

I hope you all are having a great day!

You here tings happen in three’s right? Well number three: I washed my favorite zip  up fleece on Sunday because it smelled like coffee and when I took it out of the dryer the zipper had melted and broke. I can still wear it but I cannot zip it up.

I think I am done, my 3 things have happened and now I am done!!! Facing Monday with a clean slate AND coffeeless!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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