Categories: Mental Health Journey posts

One last good bye:(

I hope you will share!

I have not been posting in about a week. So many emotions have gone through me and I have sat with a blank stare at the computer, as nothing seemed oh so important, other then my Aunt J.

When you have to say good bye to someone that means so much to you, life seems to sit at a “stand still.” Well, for me it does.

It was about a week and a half ago that I called to check in on her and did not get the news I anticipated. She was admitted to the hospital and not coming out.

We knew the melanoma would take her eventually but after a clean bill of health, well as clean as it could be, back in April, we really did not expect it so soon.

Emotions roared and I knew that I HAD to go see her, come hell or high water.

With just about $20 in the bank and plane tickets just over $1,000, this seemed almost impossible. It was time to put my positive thinking and positive law of attraction to work. I told my other aunt, we will call her A, that I WAS coming and that was it.

This is how it played out.We had our car for sale for $2400 for a few weeks, almost a month, with no hits at all on it. We were trying to merely sell it on craigslist and by parking it at a grocery parking lot, but only got a handful of calls from those. I finally told my hubby that it was time to pay the $60 and list it on auto trader. This was a one time fee and you can keep it listed til it sells. Of course, we has less then that in the bank account, but we had to list it, so we scraped money from other places and we listed it. It sold within 48 hours! I am not kidding. We had 2 people want to look it and the highest offer was $2300…I was going to Canada and fast!

I hotwired a plane ticket and found one just below $900…purchased! Called my Grandma and Aunt A and Aunt M and said, OK now I have a ride, now let’s make plans.

My awesome Aunt M (find her at her new blog Muggy’s Musings, and tell her you found her via me!) drove me everywhere I needed to go, fed me, and was there as the most wonderful and needed support. I so appreciated her. She is truly a blessing in my life.

I got to spend 3 days in the hospital with Aunt J and those were amazing. It was hard to see her like that but I was happy that I got to see her one last time.

She is truly an amazing woman. She is a mother, a writer (and a darn good one), Aunt, sister, and all around great friend. She is also the best game player I have ever had the pleasure to know. I am going to miss her so much. It was hard on that third day to say good bye, but with a kiss on the cheek and an “I love you” whispered in her ear, I knew it was time to leave.

It is not often in our lives that someone touches your life much like my Aunt J does. I am lucky to have a few, and some still around. I know that one day we will all be gone, but what a wonderful experience to know these people and how much they have influenced me in such a positive way.

I truly love you Aunt J! I wish I could be there every day, but know I think of you every minute of every day.



I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (6)

  • How Sad Tawna! I feel so bad for you, but I am happy you got to go see her.

    Your Aunt looks like she is in good spirits.

  • Dear Tawna:
    You are gift to your family, and while it is hard to say goodbye, I know that loved ones lost stay in our hearts forever. Love to you

  • This brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure she was a wonderful person. I recently lost a very close friend to uterine cancer and then I have thyroid cancer myself. Those t-shirts that say Cancer Sucks are definitely right.

    • Aw Liz I am so sorry. I hate cancer, it takes too many wonderful people! I hope you are OK?!!

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