Categories: P90X Journey

P90X Day ONE, Chest and Back!

I hope you will share!

Today is Day 1 of P90X. I got my resistance bands ready to go this time so will be doing this work out withe the bands and NOT with the pull up bar. I may invest in a pull up bar sometime soon but they say you can get great results with the resistant bands so here we go. I bought these $9.99 bands and they are tough!Picture of Day ONE, ugh it pains me to post this but here you go! OK, no I need to be positive, this is a 40 pound plus loss pic, it was much worse before!I will update pictures every 2 weeks or so and I WILL do this the full 90 days! here goes nothing, well not nothing, here goes muscle gain, weight loss, and a summer swim suit body! WHIHOO!

Day ONE measurements
Bust: 41 inches
Under bust: 36 inches
Waist: 41 inches
C-section scar: 42 inches
Hips: 44 3/4 inches
Thighs (1): 24 3/4 inches
Arm: 12 inches

You can purchase P90X here P90X: Tony Horton's 90-Day Extreme Home Fitness Workout DVD Program

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (10)

  • Way to go! This one always gets me sore, even when I do shorter sets! But, it's a good sore!


  • You go girl. You have more guts than me. I wouldn't have the guts to post a full body pic of myself. Goodluck! :)

  • So proud of you Tawna! You go girl! You look great, I just want you to start SMILING in your pics!!!

  • Good luck! I know a lot of people who have done P90x with fantastic results! We are all cheering you on!

  • i'm proud of you! already loosing 40 lbs! that is an accomplishment by itself

  • Congrats to you! I may just have to get off my butt too! Thanks for stopping by on the Bloghop! I can't believe all the wonderful blogs it brought together:-)

  • I also subscribed to your blog to keep up with you.. DUH!! why didn't I think of that before.

    Can't wait to see more pictures..... Good going so far.

  • You'll rip your reward for it!! Even how many pains you did passed its all still worth!!!

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