Categories: P90X Journey

P90X week 7 begins!

I hope you will share!

Well it actually began on Friday. My husband and I are still going strong on our P90X venture. Like I said before, he lost 5 pounds in the first week! I do not weigh myself very often but I have lost a few inches in just the first few weeks. I will not measure until after this week because it is rest week again (well I don’t think rest is the right word because it still hurts a little).Some nights it is hard to keep going but we still work out even if it is 10:00pm at night. We just have to do it and keep doing it because we all know how easy it is to talk yourself out of working out.

Last week during all the arms curls and triceps and pull up exercises it hurt to put deodorant on. This week we are heading into day 4 (today) and it does not hurt that much anymore. I am also able to go lower into my pushups and am starting to see a little bend in my arms when trying to do a pull up. I still cannot do one without a chair but when I try I can actually pull myself up about 2 inches (bending the arms) before I could not even get a bend in the arms I just hung and cried!

So I am getting stronger. Oh and I put on some dress pants, I have no wore in about 4 weeks, and they actually would not stay up on their own. I have never needed a belt before, but now I do. I also noticed that the legs were too big and they looked too baggy. So freaking cool!

Happy working out everyone and Happy Healthy day!


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