Categories: Pay it forward Friday

Paying it Forward in freezing weather and no car!

I hope you will share!

Pay it forward picWell it was a whopping zero degrees this morning and my car is in the shop. So even if I had a car I doubt I would be going anywhere as we had a snow storm that has made the roads bad.

So what to do for today’s pay it forward? I have been thinking about it all morning. And then it hit me…my paying it forward does not just have to benefit people I don’t know or friends. it can benefit my family too. So what can I do to pay-it-forward to my family? I do things for them every day, that is what I do. But today I will go further and do all those pesky project and chores I always say i will do tomorrow. So I am on a mission today to fix the threshold, paint the one wall in the kitchen, and finally sort through the storage space that is suppose to be a bar.

You know…if you finish projects it relieves stress because they are not hanging over your head and staying on your mind constantly. So today I am relieving as much family stress as I can.

Happy Pay-it-Forward Friday! What are you ding today?

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (5)

  • Hmm. I don't know. I always give away free jewelry that I have handmade to retail workers around the holidays and I try to help people on the board that I belong to...I often give away things on Freecycle....

    • That is awesome I bet they love the jewelry. I have given on free cycle too. That is a great site!

  • Don't you love that feeling when a project is accomplished and you can strike it off your To Do List?

    I helped to baby sit a stranger's little girl at a clinic today when the kid wasn't allowed to follow her mom to the X-ray room and there was no one to keep an eye on her. It felt so good!

  • Oh cool, I see Shannon is a fellow jewelry maker :)  I bead up things for my family and friends for birthdays and holidays.  Its been a while since I used freecycle, thanks for reminding me!
    What I need to do is to clean out & organize the bead room.  trust me, that will relieve family stress at this point.

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