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Politics & Parties, repeat.

I hope you will share!

Wow I have been invited to a whole lot of parties lately.  Wow I sound popular don’t I? Facebook, over the last few years has been one of two things for me. Either political ranting or party invites. Either I am reading fake news in my news feed (that’s 99.9% of it) or I am being added to a group for a so called “party.” You know the one where your friends can add you to groups and ask you to buy stuff so they can get stuff. Granted, I don’t mind one of these every now and then but 1-2 each week is the average right now and I am getting a bit frustrated.

Right now I am somehow in a legging, keep and cooking party. Last week I was in a makeup and legging party. I used to feel bad about removing myself from these groups as I didn’t want to hurt my friends feelings but I am so over that!

So I have spent many times on Facebook lately unfollowing very unhappy people who do nothing but share and vent about politics on Facebook. If you continue to spread the fake news and bitch the whole time, you will stay my friend, because there is a reason you are my friend and I love you. However, I need to unfollow you because that negativity is not my angle and makes me upset to see and I am tired of telling you to verify your sources for all the fake news sharing. Sorry but even CNN & FOX are biased.

Now I have to spent time removing myself from the so called “parties.” They really aren’t a party. OK so maybe you can get away with calling it a party as the definition is “a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.” Source- Webster’s Dictionary. See how I cited that? Unlike other quotes and news stories on Facebook and Twitter etc. that don’t have legitimate cited sources…anyway!

So I guess since you can actually have a Pampered Chef party at your home then this is correct. Online parties are not. So let’s reword that party title to maybe something like “how I want you to give me money and help me get free stuff.”

I love my friends, I do, seriously I do. However, you got to stop thinking that I am made of hundreds of weekly dollars to spend on leggings, jewelry, makeup, cooking supplies, supplements and so on. It has gotten out of hand. I am sorry but there are so many people that have to get paid in these parties that the prices are also ridiculous. I can walk into a retail store and spend less because there are not so many people  representing the product that 9 people in the triangle need to be paid.

Note to #Facebook please make it be that no one can just add you to a group. They can request to add you but the person being added has to actually “approve” it. Thanks in advance for taking that request seriously.

Friends, you are loved, you really are, but PLEASE quit posting politics and parties. It is getting frustrating for us that are seriously just trying to love you and comment on your pet and kids photos. I want to watch your kids grown up on Facebook and congratulate you on all your life event. Some of you live so far away from me that this is the only way I see your family. When you get unfollowed I miss that part and that is sad.

The next party I have will be at my house with drinks and food and I won’t ask you to buy a darn thing I promise. Well I may ask you to bring a side dish…lol!

Have a great day my fabulous readers!


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