Categories: GiveawaysRaces

Reebok Spartan Race…WIN TO RACE FOR FREE!!!

I hope you will share!


Have you heard of the Reebok  Spartan Race? Well I have not heard of it either until today and it sounds like it could be right up my alley, for myself, and my readers!

We do have a giveaway for someone to win a free opportunity to do this race but before we do that giveaway, let me give you a bit of info. about this awesome race!

Reebok Spartan Race has been voted the #1 obstacle race by Outside Magazine and are the global leader in obstacle racing since 2005.

I am sure you have heard of other races, and they all have their “flare.” However I have to tell you that this Reebok Spartan Race is the first race, I have heard of, where there are multiple levels to choose from. So if you are a beginner, like me, there is a race for you. Other levels include: intermediate level Super Spartan, the advanced Spartan Beast, and the ‘99.9% need not apply’ extreme level Death Race. From the videos on the web site it looks like everyone has the chance to get wet, dirty and muddy…how can that be wrong? I figure if you are going to do a race like this then the dirtier the better…or is that just me?

If you want to know more about the race I am including a video for you to watch…right now below. Or you can head over to their web site to read more or register for a location near you. Don’t fret if you do not see a race location near you because my sources tell me that there will be many more locations added real soon! Scroll down past the video for the Race Giveaway!


So, are you it least 18, live in the US and want the chance to try this race out for free? I would definitely love to help you out with that! Reebok Spartan Race has offered to give ONE of my readers a free race code. YES a FREE CODE. This means if you win…I will e-mail you a code and it will be good for one free registration for this coming 20013-2014 season! Don’t get frustrated if you do not see a race scheduled near you yet, as I said before…they are adding more real soon! Want to register now? Well you can save 15% by registering on this web page.

All you have to do to win is enter in the raffle copter form below. There are no mandatory entries, but the more you enter, the better chance you have to win! Giveaway end’s August 31, 2013 at midnight EST…GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Reebok Spartan Race is responsible for the prize after the giveaway. will send the promo code to the winner and ALL OTHER CORESPONDENCE ABOUT THE RACE, REGISTRATION HELP, QUESTIONS, ETC NEED TO BE ADDRESSED TO REEBOK SPARTAN RACE. is not responsible for winners waiting too long to register and thus the code expiring, problems with registration, etc. is only responsible for e-mailing the winner the code. Winners must be it least 18-years old. By entering you agree you are it least 18-years old and in good enough health to run the Spartan Race. is not responsible for any injuries that may occur during the race.

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (1)

  • No I have not. I almost won a free entry at a fitness expo and I want my second chance! This looks tough but I'm up for the challenge.

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