Categories: Law of AttractionMental Health Journey posts

Spending it to get it…Money!

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You got to spend it to get it…that is what all the self-help books and audio tell me and this is the ONE rule I have the hardest time with!

There have been times in the past couple years where I have learned this to be true but it is my biggest downfall when I need to practice this law of attraction rule and one that I WILL conquer.

So my latest over the past couple weeks…I guess you could say my “test.”My Husband and I have started a new website HealthyHerbalNutrients.com and you know with any new business venture there is a time when you do not make much of a profit. That is normal and one that steers most people from starting a new business.

We got lucky and did not have to invest a lot of money into starting the business but we do need to invest advertising money. This is a tough one when you live pay check to pay check.

The company was started just this year, February 2012 to be exact. It has only been a couple months. We are also surprising our kids with a trip to Disney World next week so we have been scraping every single penny, saved most our taxes, and we are really being frugal with what we have spent money on.

An opportunity came up for me to send about 8 bloggers, some with awesome traffic, free product to do reviews for us. This took a pretty large chunk out of our vacation fund, but I HAD to do it.

I battled with myself tor a week or better…”is it the right time, should I wait?”

Then I had to take myself back to my Journey and I said to myself…”if you put it out there, it will come back.” It was at that point I decided that it would NEVER be a perfect time and that if I want the business to grow then I need to practice what I preach “positive law of attraction,” and get our product out there ASAP. So I sent the product and paid the shipping and now I have 7 actually ready to post reviews and so far ALL of them love the product. Of course that is no surprise, it is an awesome product, but people want to hear from customers, not the owners, how good a product is. Word of mouth is the best advertisement for ANY business.

So reviews go up in the next few weeks. Instead of being scared what they will say I am excited and I mean real excited. This is another lesson I have learned over this process.

If we reap what we sew then if I feel negative that the reviews will not help with traffic to our website and gain us potential customers then it won’t. If I go into it with a positive open mind then it will…I know it will!

I have learned, that for me, and I am sure many others, money is the biggest obstacle to change from negative to positive. It has been a killer of mine and mu husband’s relationship  in the past and that is so not worth it.

I will keep you updated on how the reviews help. I am so excited I have been up since 4:00am. Half from he reviews and half because Disney World is less then a week away and my 5 year old will be so surprised. We will actually be there, the first day, on her 6th birthday!!!!

Have a wonderfully positive day!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (1)

  • My Hubs says the same thing. You gotta spend it to get it.!! Kinda sucks!

    Have fun on your trip to Disney World

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