Categories: 40 workoutsPhysical Healthy Journey postsWeight loss journey

Surgery put workouts on hold…yuck!

I hope you will share!

DSC00829I haven’t posted about my 40-workouts for awhile and I still have about half the stack left. Reason is that I had to have surgery a couple months ago and was not able to workout for quite a while. Yuck…this has put on a bit of weight, but I get to start working out again today!!!

I still have to take it easy, so won’t be able to do P90X and some of them yet but the fact that I can do some of them is great!!!

I will be sharing my journey through my workout DVDs again real soon. Perfect time too as the weather is going to get colder it will be nice to be able to workout inside again. I don’t want to gain anymore weight!!!!

Happy exercising!!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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