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The Secret Movie Giveaway

I hope you will share!

You all know that “The Secret” documentary inspired me to make a life changing decision and thus my blog was born.

I bought a brand new copy of the movie the other day so I could give one away on my blog. No company has donated this movie to me to review and give away for them, I bought this myself and am giving it away myself. I believe in my life changing journey so much that I hope whom ever wins this movie has the same life changing experience!

Ships to US and Canada only!
Mandatory entry:
Follow My Secret Experiment via e-mail subscription AND verify. Leave me a comment with you e-mail address in it.


Extra entries:
Follow my secret experiment GFC-1 entry
Follow my weight loss blog via e-mail and verify-2 entries
Follow my weight loss blog GFC-1 entry
Follow my Random thoughts blog via e-mail and verify-2 entries
Follow my Random thoughts blog GFC-1 entry
Follow me on FB-1 entry
Follow me on twitter-1 entry
Tweet and leave link-max 3 entries per day, tweets must be it least 4 hours apart!

Giveaway ends March 20th at 11:59pm

This is not the “exact” picture of the disc you will be receiving. You will be receiving a brand new, never watched documentary DVD.
ALL other Blogs giveaway prizes for March Madnesa re lisited below!
Contest is over! I will have a winner picked and e-mailed and then the winner will have 48 hours to give me their shipping information for their price. If they do not respond to me within 48 hours I will pick another one! Winner will be notified by the latest Friday march 25th, 2011
I know it may seem like a long time but I have a half dozen giveaways going on and ending this week making it crazy around here:)

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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