Categories: KidsQuality TimeTime with kids

Too much Television & it shows!

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In the morning my kids like to watch TV and to be honest I let them do that quite a bit. It is really only from about 9-11am but today  my son woke up at 8:00 and as soon as he got up I knew that they have been watching way to much TV!I got him out of his bed and went to the fridge to get his milk. Before I even got to the fridge he said “TV Mommy…TV.” I said “not yet we are getting milk and breakfast.” Very loudly he repeated himself again. I told him that the TV would not go on if he talked to me that loud again.

I got him settled on the sofa with his milk and then my daughter woke up. She came wandering in, half asleep, and she said “Mom, can we watch TV?” I turned it on for about 3 minutes. They started fighting and I got mad and turned it off. They both freaked out and got mad and I hid the remotes and told them they could do something more useful.

It literally took 20 minutes to calm them down and they finally started eating and then went down and played. Mind you they asked every 15-20 minutes if they could have the TV on.

It’s not that my kids even watch bad TV. We don’t have any cable or satellite, we watch PBS and Netflix. It is the fact that they thing that the stupid TV is a priority. I am tired of it. I am now thinking that my new plan is no TV before school…at all. We can watch some late afternoon, early evening but I am done with it during the day.

I never thought I would be that Mom but I am. My daughter can do her homework before school, read books, practice writing, and listen to music. We are done with the stupid TV.

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