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Trimming bushes day two & Jillian…

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Today I finished the major trimming of the bushes, which took about 2 more hours. I was trying to beat the rain storms and had to go in and out during a couple different storms. My 4 year old came out and helped me clean up all the “trees” when I was done and it was so darn cute. She was so excited to help me. It took about 30 minutes of bending over and hauling the bush tops over to my deck and making a few huge piles that I need to get rid of this weekend.
I proceeded to come in and do a 40 minute work-out (Jillian Michael’s work out I have pretty much memorized) while watching Jamie Olive’s food revolution. Btw it is my absolute new favorite show ever! I did not even get to exhausted which surprised me. I thought for sure I would be dead to the world tonight but oddly enough I am doing pretty well. I did take a bit of Motrin because the bending over did strain some new muscles but all in all feel pretty good.

We will see how this yard work along with Jillian Michaels helps drop the inches. I love that I am starting to feel so good and not so totally dead after doing some physical activity.

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" admin : ."

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