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I hope you will share!

So I am getting invites to this and am wondering if tis is legit. Anyone heard about this company VirtaPay?

I did sign up, because I did not have to put in any secure informaiton about myself so I knew that nothing like a bank account, SS#, Credit Card, are connected. Anyone heard good or bad about this paying system? It is not launched yet but they claim that you will be able to shop on line and pay with them, like you do with paypal.

I would like any information anyone has on this.



I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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  • I know, I have looked up "scam" etc on google and can't find anything at all. They have a FB page and a blog too but information is limited. I would have never even attempted it if I had to put in any conflicting information, but hoping someone has some info. out there. I love paypal so not sure if I will even use this or not, just curious.

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