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Well I made it.

I hope you will share!

Well…I did go ahead and in the rain to my meeting and it was not so bad. made it there fine but a little wet is all.

The day went pretty good, just tired and had a lot to get done to get ready for Sunday. Late Saturday night our wonderful pot holed freeway decided to take my tire hostage. It is not fixable either so now I have the spare tire on my car that is going to have to stay there for awhile because funds in the bank are very dry right now! Oh well right or AND the coffee maker broke this morning too so now I am tired and cranky! Trying to see the good side of things though, remember…I am being Mrs. positive!

Anyway, anyone have an old coffee maker they want to sell me…cheap?! LOL

Isn’t it funny how I was so worried about driving in the morning in the rain and it was 12 hours later that the roads got the best of me? It always happens when you least expect it!

Have a great day everyone!

This is how I feel today!


I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

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