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Youa re telling me that the "warranty" does not cover my phone issues…what?!!!

I hope you will share!

OK so I have had nothing but a headache with my tilt 2 phone. Don’t get me wrong, I love AT&T for many reasons but these past few months I have had a hard time with my phone.
It has freezing issues and I believe this is from being a windows phone with a whole bunch of “crap” on it that is not needed. I NEED a windows phone for my new business so I do not have much choice in the matter. However, my new business is going to web based software in the summer and all I can say is Hallelujah!

The company has granted my warranty a number of times and they have actually not fought me too hard on it so I can’t complain about that either. What I can complain about is this:

I called on my 3rd tilt 2 phone and told them the freezing was better, not gone, but better when I did not install the FB or Twitter on it. She said “well your warranty does not cover those programs so just don’t install them.” OK well I guess I won’t because I like how it runs better but this is my argument. The phone it self comes with both FB and Twitter shortcuts on the today screen , out of the box. Now if you are telling me that I should not run them then can I make a suggestion?  Don’t put it on my today screen because to me that is advertising that this phone can handle it! Point!

Am I the only one that see this point? The warranty does not cover it is a little disheartening for the same reason. If this was an application that I added to the phone myself I would so totally not have issues with the warranty not covering it. This is NOT the case. The phone comes with these on my opening screen so for me this is just as good as someone saying “this phone can handle them so use them!”

Well it did not take care of the freezing problem totally so I got a new one, this is #4 and guess what….it freezes too. Did I install FB and Twitter, aw no. So will I be calling again on Monday? “YES.” I will then be taken through on the trouble shooting mumbo jumbo I have done numerous time. Will I accept a tilt 2 phone again as a replacement? “NO!” I am so not being nice again. This wold be phone 5. Do you think its me? I don’t think so! They freeze out of the box. HTC even has a service pack for it on their site but it does not work either.

Again, just to be clear. I do not dislike AT&T at all and have had the best service I have ever had talking around my neck of the woods and everywhere else including Canada. I have more good then bad to say. My biggest gripe is this warranty issue. I wish my company was gong to web based software NOW and not waiting til the summer, argh!!!!!

have a wonderful day everyone!

OH and the March Madness 75+ blog giveaway ENDS TODAY! Visit my TAB on the top of my blog to enter! Entries are FREE!

I LUV Sharing!

" admin : ."

View Comments (4)

  • This would drive me nuts too. WHen it goes to a web-based software get a droid, I love mine.

  • Absolutely Corrie!
    Brent has one too and loves it. I hear a lot of great reviews and have had many tell me they switched from their Iphone to a droid and liked the droid the best.

  • My phone looks like your only mine is Verizon.

    The only problem I seem to be having is sometimes mine won't charge and my battery goes dead.

    I wish you luck!!

  • I'm a Verizon girl, so I didn't have the Iphone option until recently. I LOVE my Droid based phone, especially if you do much with Google, so handy.
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