Categories: At home workoutsPhysical Healthy Journey postsWorkout DVDs

40 workouts in about 40 days!

I hope you will share!

I have been on a home workout DVD venture for MANY years and after years of purchasing these DVDs I have decided to do my own “muscle confusion” regimen. No group to join, no money to throw down…just me and my TV.

Here is what I am planning on doing.

I have a ton of different types of workouts from P90X-Pilate’s. I am not able to do the P90x very well anymore because of my shoulder and arm injury is just not healing. It may not heal totally, so I am told. I still need to try acupuncture but I am not going to let this injury pack on more pounds.

I went through my workouts and pulled out any upper body weight bearing and it still leaves me with 40 workouts I can most likely do.

I put them in their piles and then just took off the top of each  until all 40 were in one pile. Now I have 40 workouts and have no idea which ones are on which days. I am simply grabbing from the top each day. It could be a 10 minute workout and up to a 60 minute workout, who knows. If a DVD has more then one workout on it then I will do all of them and then go to the next disc. So this could go longer then 40 days, and I am sure there will be a rest day or two involved.

I am going to track my weight and measurements. I will post those on day one. I will share each workout with you. Then at the end I will share my results…simple.

I still want to try and go to the gym with the hubby 2-3 times a week but since he backs out a lot, I am sure most my working out will be at home with these discs.

I know I can still drop the weight and tone up without having to do weights on the upper body. I NEED to do this. It’s been a long time coming and I am ready to finally get to my goal weight and keep it there!

If this works…WHEN it works I will be on a look out for future DVD workouts to add to the pile. There are days/weeks, I just don’t want to workout at the gym. I have lost most my weight at home already so I know it works!

Here’s to better health and a smaller waist line!


I LUV Sharing!

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